Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Pol D. Spanos MEMBERS
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering, Rice University
Messini, Greece
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  • 2020
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (C.V.E.)
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  • 2020
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (C.V.E.)
Election Remark
Research focuses on dynamics and vibrations, with emphasis on probabilistic, nonlinear, and signal-processing aspects and has applications to structural engineering, aerospace engineering, offshore engineering, bio-mechanics, and composite materials.

Developed novel analytical/numerical techniques for diverse dynamical systems/phenomena and wrote three texts that are considered standards in the field.

Served as editor-in-chief for two noted journals in the field of mechanics. Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Society of Mechanical Engineering, the American Academy of Mechanics, and the Alexander von Humboldt Association.

Recipient, Theodore Von Karman Medal of the ASCE for lifetime contributions to the field of engineering mechanics (2003), ASME, and the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

Corresponding member of the Academy of Athens (National Academy of Greece), member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA), and a foreign member (fellow) of the Indian Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Europe (Academiae Europaea).

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2020.